G - Zombie Review

 G - Zombie Review

Story: Sara (Divya Pandey) is a researcher who would like to create an immunity booster to rescue humankind.

Inspection: In some time in the movie you realise that the filmmakers of G-Zombie have the idea to produce this movie depending on the present pandemic we are dwelling in. Plus it only provides you more reason to detest coronavirus over you do. The basic plotline of the movie fails to pass muster, let along the entire movie.

If Sara decides to conduct human trials to check her resistance booster, it is not tough to figure where this movie is heading. For ethical reasons, she considers a notorious offender is your best bet to check her experimental medication on. With the support of a police officer, her and her posse figure out how to inject the criminal and what happens next is quite a test to patience and a dark mark on the genre of zombie terror.

Since the entire film moves in zombies running around a hallway, eating other people, one wonders when a real zombie apocalypse would be simpler to survive. The'terror' movie is dreadful, only not in the way they meant it to be. The movie is tough to sit through, has dreadful writing and performances which are a insult to zombies.
